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Canal +: 100M views influencer evening – La Flamme et Le Flambeau series


Les Frigos de Paris


8 february 2023




La Flamme et le Flambeau series


Canal +

In order to celebrate the 100 million views of its legendary series La Flamme et Le Flambeau,the french national TV Channel  Canal+ entrusted WATO with organizing an exceptional immersive influencer evening.

The goal?

To thank in style the actors, producers, and the entire team of the series for its resounding success.

To bring back to life the iconic scenes of the series through an immersive journey full of humor and surprises.

Spoiler : This Article is full of Private jokes and references that you can only catch if you watch the serie “La Flamme le Flambeau”

On the agenda:

  • Filming of a video invitation in the presence of Jonathan Cohen
  • Mysterious welcome by Philippe Machette: the mythomaniac author of the book ‘Dans la jungle, la jungle est une jungle,’ all in the misty jungle of the Frigos de Paris
  • Arrival at the Flambeau council with the mission of choosing the candidate to eliminate with the choice between ‘Marc’ or ‘Marc’
  • Experimentation with the Marcometer with the goal of shouting ‘MAAAAAAARC’ as loudly and as long as possible
  • Meeting with Patoche on a reproduction of the raft from the series to taste his famous rice alcohol
  • Extinction of the electric torch by a Jérome Commandeur lookalike (the encounter actually caused the actor to burst into laughter)
  • Training to climb the stairs by the softest of sports coaches: Tony Tonic
  • Meeting in a cloud of incense with “Annick la babos”, always ready to take a mental photo between two bolas
  • Misty appearance of Soso the bubble child, always on the verge of choking in the most uncomfortable of costumes
  • DIY cocaine workshop with the most hot-blooded of drug traffickers: Marco
  • Karaoke, silly dances, and buttered toasts for the room dedicated to the inevitable ‘Fête de la Jean Guile’
  • Meeting with the most pixelated bimbo: Chataléré
  • Psychoanalysis session by the whimsical Dr. Juiphe, always ready to invent crazy methods to bamboozle his patients
  • Thank-you speeches by Maxime Sadaa and Jonathan Cohen “Last time I saw anything like that it was at the Parc Astérix”
  • Delicious cocktail bar and catchy beats by DJ Charles B

Did you enjoy this adventure?

Discover other influencer evenings: US Influencer Trip for Benefit, Season 2 Premiere of ‘Yellow Jackets,’ and an immersive preview for Pamela Rose the series

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