WATO: A video trailer on the theme Lawrence of Arabia
In March 2014, WATO agency produced the video trailer “Le Serment d’Alcazar” with a camel in Paris on a Lawrence of Arabia theme.
This video is certainly one of the most powerful our agency produced until this day.
The idea was to produce a series of photos and videos to promote a public party in a Parisian imaginary desert.
This shooting was divided in 3 steps :
Introduction of the video in a sand cave
- The video starts with a bedouin camp in the middle of a sand cave.
- Rituals of the mint tea, hookah and thousands of candles to get the Arabian nights feeling.
- Warned about the project, the nomads leave their cave on the way to Paris.
Shooting in Paris with a camel during sunrise
- In the spirit of the movie “un Indien dans la ville” our actors dressed up as bedouins explore Paris as they were lost.
- Concorde Plaza, Assemblée Nationale or even the Trocadero, the arab tribe discover Paris under a burning sun.
- Final shot with Foulques Jubert, dressed up as Lawrence of Arabia walking towards the Eiffel Tower during sunrise.
Transforming a skatepark in a candle ocean
- To reveal the venue of the main event, WATO produced a 3rd shooting in the skatepark where to party would take place.
- 1 camel, 20 bedouins and a few thousands of candles to turn the skatepark into a Arabian night dream.
Thanks to this video, to promotion campaign was a huge success with no less than 3500 participants to the event.
Discover here the content about the D day : Le Serment d’Alcazar, were WATO transformed a public skatepark into a party desert.
Curious to discover more of WATO’s immersive videos ?
- The Victorious Shelter a trailer on a WW2 theme to promote a party inside a bunker.
- Venice under Paris a trailer on a Venitian Ball theme to promote a party inside an underground canal.
- The Last Monastery a trailer on the Name of the Rose theme to promote dressed up party in a church.