Agence wato

WATO : A Bastille day party on a forbidden rooftop of Paris


The rooftop of an abandoned hospital of Paris


July 14th 2013




Bastille day : blue, white and red as the french flag !


A selection of guests of the Oracle

During its early years, WATO organized a series of clandestine events, one of them was a Bastille day party on a forbidden rooftop of Paris.

Built in 1888, the former Hospital Saint Michel was permanently closed in 2011 and then transformed into the village St Michel in 2017. In the mean time, its 30 000m2 remained untouched for 6 years.

During an urban exploration session in 2013, WATO was able to discover its gloomy buildings, very “The Walking Dead” style.

If most of the hospital was lugubrious, its rooftop and above all its view on the Eiffel Tower was fantastic !

Our crew decided then to throw a party there on Bastille day and watch the national fireworks from a privileged point of view.

The event featured :

  • An entire weekend of setting up to prepare the rooftop behind the back of its guardian.
  • A very french photoshoot on the roof in order to tease our community and test the building security system.
  • Dress code “full blue, white, or red” to make sure the french flag was all around us along the party.
  • Secret meeting point to make the guests enter smoothly in the building without being noticed.
  • Quite an adrenaline rush for our 200 guests during the urban exploration of the hospital.
  • Champagne and fancy cocktail on the rooftop with a unique view on Paris’s Iron Lady.
  • A refreshing DJ set of Aubry during sun set.
  • The arrival of the local Police, welcomed by the national anthem and some champagne
  • The vision of the beautiful fireworks (the police accepted to wait until the end of the show to kindly ask us to leave)
  • Quite an epic dismantling under the eyes of the guardian who didn’t see any of this coming.

If you enjoy WATO’s clandestine parties…

…Check out our our dinner in a spectacular chalk mine or our masquerade ball in the ancient Rothschild Castle.

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